
E' un piccolo centro diviso tra collina e costa, fondato dagli abitanti dell'antica Kaulon magnogreca, testimoniata da un'importante area archeologica. Distrutta dai romani, la popolazione si rifugiò in collina e fondò Monasterace superiore dove sorge il Castello Medievale (1038). Nella stessa zona, dominata dal faro di Punta Stilo, si trova il Parco archeologico famoso per i mosaici che ricoprivano i pavimenti delle abitazioni dell'antica colonia, dei quali il più famoso è il mosaico del Drago. All'interno del parco sorge il Museo archeologico dove sono custoditi importanti reperti come le monete di eccellente fattura, perchè Kaulon è la prima al mondo ad aver coniato monete in argento che veniva estratto nella vallata dello Stilaro,

Archäologische Stätten


Die Jasmin-Küste


Das kristallklare Meer, das je nach Meeresboden und Meeresflora unterschiedliche Farben und Schattierungen annimmt, umspült einen breiten, weißen Strand, der sich in Italien durch seine Kontinuität und Schönheit auszeichnet. Der Küstenstreifen des Gebiets ist als Jasminküste (oder Jasminriviera) bekannt, da hier die Jasminpflanze angebaut wird, deren Blüten von Frauen gepflückt, nach Gewicht verkauft und nach Frankreich zur Parfümherstellung exportiert werden. Entlang der Staatsstraße 106, die von Monasterace nach Brancaleone führt, befinden sich belebte Badeorte, die sich in den letzten Jahren stark entwickelt haben und gute Einrichtungen und Dienstleistungen bieten. Zu den wichtigsten Zentren gehören: Siderno, Marina di Gioiosa Jonica, Roccella Jonica, Marina di Caulonia, Monasterace, Locri, Bovalino, Ardore, Bianco und Brancaleone, von denen viele mit der Blauen Flagge ausgezeichnet wurden.

Bauernhof 'A Lanterna

A Lanterna - I Viaggi del GOEL

The farmhouse 'A lanterna

Tipologia Struttura: 
A Lanterna - I Viaggi del GOEL

Organic Food and Tradition

Bergamot - Calabrian citrus fruit
AMAL - Vegetarian Appetizer
Calabrian Chili Pepper
Gioiosa Ionica
Reggio Calabria

Day by day (5 Nights – 6 Days)

Day 1


Arrival in the early afternoon in Locri and check-in at eco-Ostello Locride that is an eco-friendly residence, example of social and environmental sustainability. It is housed in a confiscated property that GOEL – Cooperative Group runs. Presentation of the tour and of GOEL – Cooperative Group and its mission of change and redemption of Calabria thought legal economy and effective ethics. Dinner with the traditional dishes of Calabrian cuisine and overnight.

Discovering Hidden Calabria

Locri - Amphitheater
Gerace - Castle
Gerace - Cathedral
Reggio Calabria
Serra S. Bruno

Day by day ( 5 nights - 6 days)

Day 1


Arrival in the early afternoon in Locri and check-in at eco-Ostello Locride that is an eco-friendly residence, example of social and environmental sustainability. It is housed in a confiscated property that GOEL – Cooperative Group runs. Presentation of the tour and of GOEL – Gruppo Cooperativo and its mission of change and redemption of Calabria thought legal economy and effective ethics. Dinner with the traditional dishes of Calabrian cuisine and overnight.

On the streets of legality

Bronzi di Riace
Agriturismo biologico 'A Lanterna
Parco archeologico Kaulon
Reggio Calabria
Marina di Gioiosa
Roccella Jonica

I Viaggi del GOEL proposes school trips of responsible tourism in Calabria: an invite to discover the Italian region through people who fight for democracy, social justice, development and cultural heritage.

Archaeological Sites

Many villages, perched on Aspromonte's slopes, date back to the Norman and Medieval Ages, with churches and monasteries, castles and stately homes as well as archaelogical sites.

The most important are: Locri Epizephiri and Kaulon excavations dating back to ancient Greece, the Roman Villa of Casignana and the Naniglio, another Roman Villa, in Gioiosa Jonica dating back to II century A.D., Gerace's Cathedral and the Cattolica di Stilo from Byzantine period. The Santa Barbara Monastery in Mammola is today the museum park of modern art called MUSABA where the international artist Nik Spatari works and lives.

The Jasmine Coast

The crystalline sea's colours and shades change according to the seabed and marine flora, the wide white beachstands out for its beauty and lenght.

The coastline is known as The jasmine Coast (or Jasmine Riviera) . This name comes from the traditional cultivation if jasmine: the flowers were picked by local women, sold and exported to France to be used in the preparation of perfumes.

Along highway 106 (from Monasterace to Brancaleone) , there are many seaside resorts that, having been considerably developed in recent years, provide good facilities and services.

The best known include: siderno, Marina di Gioiosa Jonica, Roccella Jonica, Marina di Caulonia, Monasterace, Locri, Bovalino, Ardore, Bianco and Brancaleone.


The Didactic "Vegetable Garden"



The Organic Farm ‘A Lanterna is in Monasterace and stretches over 67 hectares in the heart of Magna Grecia, inside the Ancient Kaulon Archaelogical Park, near the Punta Stilo Lighthouse, built in 1891 and still in use today. The farm produces olive oil, wine and organic citrus fruits. It offers accomodation and restaurant service at the Locanda Cocintum. The Organic Farm 'A Lanterna proposes didactic farm activities in the respect of nature:


Educational path inside the farm to learn how to eat healthily. Experience directly the organic farming pecularities and the seasonality of vegetables, the sowing and the harvest time through some educational workshop:

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