gite scolastiche


School Trips

School Trips

Starting from a direct and deep knowledge of the territory, through historical and cultural paths but also the testimonies of people who fight for democracy, social justice and development, the school trip becomes an important experience which may convey to students the need for a continuous process of change as well as the awareness of being an active part in it.

Here are the main features of Responsible Tourism trips for school:

Legality and Active Citizenship

GOEL has been opposing since ages to ‘ndrangheta and offers real alternatives; the school trip becomes an occasion of experiencing and meeting witnesses and new realities as the organic farmers damaged by mafia, migrant reception and inclusion projects, learning how active citizenship can win against ‘ndrangheta.

Turismo Scolastico

Turismo scolastico Calabria

Partendo da una conoscenza diretta e approfondita del territorio, attraverso percorsi storici e culturali, ma anche attraverso testimonianze e confronto con le realtà che quotidianamente combattono per la democrazia, la giustizia sociale e lo sviluppo, si rende il viaggio di istruzione un’esperienza importante che può far percepire ai ragazzi l’esigenza di un continuo processo di trasformazione e soprattutto la consapevolezza di poterne essere parte attiva.
I viaggi di Turismo Responsabile offrono alle scuole le seguenti tipologie di proposte:

Book your Holiday in Calabria

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