Responsible Tourism

Travel, Love, Change: What Responsible Tourism means
"Responsible Tourism is tourism that is carried out according to principles of social and economic justice and with full respect towards the environment and cultures. Responsible Tourism recognizes the centrality of the local host community and its right to be protagonist in devoting sustainable and responsible tourism in its native land. Responsible Tourism encourages the positive interaction between the tourism industry, local communities and travelers" (AITR Official Definition)
I Viaggi del GOEL focuses on the traveler: the itineraries are an invitation to take care, in a way, for the world and people around, in order to create friendly and emotional connections feeding alliances and collaboration with those pursuing democracy and freedom.
The tour operator proposes responsible and sustainable tourism itineraries and holidays in Calabria, in Italy and abroad in the full respect of sustainability, legality and ethics, values and choices which lead to change and social redemption.
The tour operator "Turismo Responsabile" joins the Italian Responsible Tourism Association (AITR), sharing its mission and purposes, and encourages a new idea of travelling, a discovery of yourself, others and places.
The tour operator is managed by Consorzio Sociale GOEL, a social cooperative society pursuant to Law no. 381/1991 and subsequent amendments and Legislative Decree no. 112 , 3 July 2017. GOEL social consortium has the aim of pursuing the general interest of the community to the human promotion and social integration of citizens through the performance of social activities. In fact, social cooperatives are not for profit and any operating profits are reinvested to pursue the aims of social development.
In turn, GOEL Social Consortium is part of GOEL - Cooperative Group, a community of people, businesses and cooperatives that works for the change and redemption of Calabria.