
E' uno dei centri più interessanti per il suo paesaggio naturalistico e per il suo patrimonio artistico e culturale. Il suo centro storico si sviluppa lungo tre piazze principali, Mese, Baglio Seggio, cuore delle attività religiose, economiche e politiche dell'antica Castelvetere, centro di grande importanza che nel XVI sec contava ben cinquanta chiese e numerosi palazzi nobiliari. Da visitare sono la Chiesa Matrice (1513) con le sue cupole a trullo che ospita il sarcogafo del Principe Carafa, la chiesa di Santa Maria de' Minniti (1768) in stile tardo-barocco, la Chiesa del SS. Rosario in stile neoclassico e la Chiesa dell'Immacolata Concezione (1690) dove sono conservati la Statua lignea del Cristo alla Colonna, monumento nazionale. Nell'entroterra è sito il monastero di Sant'Ilarione Abate, protettore di Caulonia.  

The Farmhouse Feudo Gagliardi

Tipologia Struttura: 
Feudo Gagliardi - Caulonia

Locride History

The name “Locride” originated from an area in central Greece, that the Achei left in the fifth century b.C. for Capo Zefirio, now known as Capo Bruzzano.

The magno-greek period (from the 7th century b.C. to the 2nd century A.D) is the most splendid era for the Locride; it is the period of Locri Epizephiri and Kaulon settlements founded by the Greek colonists in the 7th century b.C.

Food and Wine

The legendary cuisine of Calabria is defined through its huge variety of traditional dishes, which keep alive the customs of the area. Full of flavour, the traditional food of Calabria can be both spicy and delicate.

Thanks to the ancient olive groves of Geracese cultivar and olive oil mills, a higly valued extra-virgin olive oil is produced. A typical mountain pasta, the Maccaruni, is handmade by women and seasoned with pork or goat sauce.

The delicious second courses are sometimes served as side dish, such as fried courgette flowers, stuffed aubergines and the caponata contadina. In addition, there are the pork “frittole”, the baked goat and the famous Calabrian salami, known for their taste and authenticity: soppressate, sausages, capicollo, lard and ‘nduja, typical only in Calabria.

Organic Food and Tradition

Bergamot - Calabrian citrus fruit
AMAL - Vegetarian Appetizer
Calabrian Chili Pepper
Gioiosa Ionica
Reggio Calabria

Day by day (5 Nights – 6 Days)

Day 1


Arrival in the early afternoon in Locri and check-in at eco-Ostello Locride that is an eco-friendly residence, example of social and environmental sustainability. It is housed in a confiscated property that GOEL – Cooperative Group runs. Presentation of the tour and of GOEL – Cooperative Group and its mission of change and redemption of Calabria thought legal economy and effective ethics. Dinner with the traditional dishes of Calabrian cuisine and overnight.


A Lanterna - I Viaggi del GOEL
Feudo Gagliardi
Monte Stella Sanctuary
Gioiosa Ionica

Day by day (6 nights - 7 days)

Day 1


Arrival in the early afternoon in Polistena, at the Social Cooperative I.D.E.A. that within the Luigi Monti Community, welcomes and lodges minors and creates employment opportunities for young people who are housed in the community. Meeting and presentation of the GOEL - Cooperative Group, of its change mission in the Locride and its struggle for freedom and democracy in Calabria and in the rest of Italy. Visit to the Cooperative and to the GOEL Bio Cosmethical Lab where organic essential oils and organic cosmetics are produced. Transfer to Locri and check-in at the Ostello Locride, eco-hostel housed in a confiscated property and managed by the GOEL. Dinner, with the traditional dishes of Calabrian cuisine and overnight.

On the streets of Legality

A Lanterna - I Viaggi del GOEL - Ph. Simona Pace
A Lanterna - I Viaggi del GOEL - Ph. Simona Pace
Arca della Salvezza
Gioiosa Ionica

Day by day (5 nights and 6 days)

Day 1


Arrival in the early afternoon in Locri and check-in at eco-Ostello Locride that is an eco-friendly residence, example of social and environmental sustainability. It is housed in a confiscated property that GOEL – Cooperative Group runs. Presentation of the tour and of GOEL – Cooperative Group and its mission of change and redemption of Calabria thought legal economy and effective ethics. Dinner with the traditional dishes of Calabrian cuisine and overnight.

Day 2

GOEL Bio: Farmers versus 'ndrangheta

Changing Locride

Marina di Gioiosa

I Viaggi del GOEL proposes school trips of responsible tourism in Calabria: an invite to discover the Italian region through people who fight for democracy, social justice, development and cultural heritage.

The Jasmine Coast

The crystalline sea's colours and shades change according to the seabed and marine flora, the wide white beachstands out for its beauty and lenght.

The coastline is known as The jasmine Coast (or Jasmine Riviera) . This name comes from the traditional cultivation if jasmine: the flowers were picked by local women, sold and exported to France to be used in the preparation of perfumes.

Along highway 106 (from Monasterace to Brancaleone) , there are many seaside resorts that, having been considerably developed in recent years, provide good facilities and services.

The best known include: siderno, Marina di Gioiosa Jonica, Roccella Jonica, Marina di Caulonia, Monasterace, Locri, Bovalino, Ardore, Bianco and Brancaleone.


Percorsi Aziendali

Agricoltura biologica GOEL Bio
CANGIARI tessitura al telaio
Vellutata biologica GOEL bio
Gioiosa Jonica
Roccella Jonica
Lamezia Terme
Marina di Gioiosa

I Viaggi del GOEL propone itinerari di turismo responsabile in Calabria per gite scolastiche e viaggi di gruppo. I percorsi aziendali offrono una conoscenza diretta e approfondita del territorio, attraverso testimonianze e incontri con le realtà che ogni giorno combattono per la democrazia, la giustizia sociale e lo sviluppo. 

Nella Locride che cambia

Artigianalità tessuti al telaio
Fattoria con animali
Marina di Gioiosa

I Viaggi del GOEL propone per gite scolastiche e viaggi di gruppo, itinerari di turismo responsabile in Calabria. Con questo tour "Nella Locride che cambia" il viaggio d'istruzione si trasformerà in un percorso di conoscenza del territorio attraverso le realtà che si impegnano per il cambiamento sociale, la valorizzazione delle tradizioni, l'integrazione e l'etica del lavoro.

Programma di viaggio - 3 giorni e 2 notti

Prenota la tua vacanza in Calabria

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