
Il piccolo centro sorge ai piedi del monte Consolino, nella vallata dello Stilaro. Il simbolo del paese, ma anche di tutto il comprensorio, è la Cattolica, tempietto greco-bizantino (X sec) che riproduce in scala, i grandi templi che si trovano in Armenia, Georgia ed Anatolia. Si arricchisce di pitture bizantine, tra cui l'icona del Redentore, dei santi Nicola, Basilio e Battista Benedicente. Ma tutto il centro storico è ricco di testimonianze artistiche e storiche; la Chiesa Matrice (1300) una delle prime sedi vescovili delle Calabria, la Chiesa di San Giovanni Therestis (1625) che con il monastero annesso fu costruita dai Frati di San Francesco di Paola, la Chiesa di San Domenico (1600), in origine annessa al convento di Santa Maria del Gesù di cui restano solo i ruderi in seguito al terremoto del 1783 e la Chiesa di San Francesco (1450), parte di un vasto complesso che include anche la possente torre campanile, le mura del convento dei Frati Minori ed il chiostro di stile Toscano. Di grande interesse è anche il Castello costruito da Ruggero il Normanno sul monte Consolino, risalente all'XI secolo. Di forma rettangolare e cinto da opere di difesa oramai ai nostri giorni ne rimangono i ruderi delle mura perimetrali, delle torri e delle porte. Da ricordare sono le porte medievali di accesso al borgo, la fontana Gebbia e le Laure, antiche grotte dove gli eremiti Basiliani si ritiravano nella solitudine, dedicandosi alla preghiera. Il cittadino più illustre di Stilo è sicuramente il frate filosofo Tommaso Campanella (1568-1639), autore della Città del Sole e di tanti scritti che lo fecero definire uno degli uomini più illustri del Rinascimento italiano. Ogni estate, la prima domenica di agosto, Stilo attrae numerosi turisti e visitatori che assistono al Palio di Ribusa (chiamato così per la fiera che si svolgeva Stilo fin dal 1600) la più grande rievocazione storica della Calabria dei tempi medioevali-rinascimentali in cui Stilo svolgeva il ruolo di contea raccogliendo a sé i feudi diPazzano, Stignano, Guardavalle, Riace e Camini.

Calabria d(a)Mare

Siderno - Spiaggia
AMAL - Antipasto
Gerace - La Cattedrale
Reggio Calabria - Lungomare
Marina di Gioiosa - Barca a vela
Reggio Calabria
Gioiosa Jonica

Programma di viaggio (6 Notti – 7 Giorni)

Immergiti nelle acque cristalline del mar Ionio; rilassati col suono della risacca; stenditi sulla sabbia soffice di spiagge chilometriche; gusta l'alta cucina tipica calabrese; fatti sorprendere da cascate maestose; scopri la Città del Sole; segui le tracce della Magna Grecia; ritrova il piacere di passeggiare all'aria aperta; ascolta le storie di chi si sta costruendo un futuro.

La Calabria d(a)Mare ti aspetta: viviamola insieme. 

Calabria and Sicily: a bridge of legality

 The Straits of Messina - Ph Laura Bellantoni
Reggio Calabria
Piazza della Memoria - Palermo
Antica Focacceria S.Francesco - Palermo
Casa Memoria "Felicia e Peppino Impastato"
Open-air market "Il Capo"- Palermo
Mondello - Palermo
Palermo Cathedral
Capaci - Palermo
Gerace Cathedral
Catholic - Stilo
Arca della Salvezza
Reggio Calabria

From Palermo to Locride, through the Strait of Messina: “Calabria and Sicily- A bridge of legality” comes from the collaboration between I Viaggi del GOEL and Addiopizzo Travel, a Sicilian responsible tourism tour operator that, since 2013, has supported those who rebel against mafia. Because in these two lands, a different and ethical development is possible: in this path we want to share real experiences of real people.

Day by day - 6 nights and 7 days

Locride History

The name “Locride” originated from an area in central Greece, that the Achei left in the fifth century b.C. for Capo Zefirio, now known as Capo Bruzzano.

The magno-greek period (from the 7th century b.C. to the 2nd century A.D) is the most splendid era for the Locride; it is the period of Locri Epizephiri and Kaulon settlements founded by the Greek colonists in the 7th century b.C.

Organic Food and Tradition

Bergamot - Calabrian citrus fruit
AMAL - Vegetarian Appetizer
Calabrian Chili Pepper
Gioiosa Ionica
Reggio Calabria

Day by day (5 Nights – 6 Days)

Day 1


Arrival in the early afternoon in Locri and check-in at eco-Ostello Locride that is an eco-friendly residence, example of social and environmental sustainability. It is housed in a confiscated property that GOEL – Cooperative Group runs. Presentation of the tour and of GOEL – Cooperative Group and its mission of change and redemption of Calabria thought legal economy and effective ethics. Dinner with the traditional dishes of Calabrian cuisine and overnight.


A Lanterna - I Viaggi del GOEL
Feudo Gagliardi
Monte Stella Sanctuary
Gioiosa Ionica

Day by day (6 nights - 7 days)

Day 1


Arrival in the early afternoon in Polistena, at the Social Cooperative I.D.E.A. that within the Luigi Monti Community, welcomes and lodges minors and creates employment opportunities for young people who are housed in the community. Meeting and presentation of the GOEL - Cooperative Group, of its change mission in the Locride and its struggle for freedom and democracy in Calabria and in the rest of Italy. Visit to the Cooperative and to the GOEL Bio Cosmethical Lab where organic essential oils and organic cosmetics are produced. Transfer to Locri and check-in at the Ostello Locride, eco-hostel housed in a confiscated property and managed by the GOEL. Dinner, with the traditional dishes of Calabrian cuisine and overnight.

Walking in Calabrian nature

Cascate in Calabria

Day by day (5 nights - 6 days)

Day 1


Arrival in the early afternoon in Locri and check-in at eco-Ostello LOCRIDE that is an eco-friendly residence, example of social and environmental sustainability. It is housed in a confiscated property that GOEL – Gruppo Cooperativo runs. Presentation of the tour and of GOEL – Gruppo Cooperativo and its mission of change and redemption of Calabria thought legal economy and effective ethics. Dinner with the traditional dishes of Calabrian cuisine and overnight

On the streets of Legality

A Lanterna - I Viaggi del GOEL - Ph. Simona Pace
A Lanterna - I Viaggi del GOEL - Ph. Simona Pace
Arca della Salvezza
Gioiosa Ionica

Day by day (5 nights and 6 days)

Day 1


Arrival in the early afternoon in Locri and check-in at eco-Ostello Locride that is an eco-friendly residence, example of social and environmental sustainability. It is housed in a confiscated property that GOEL – Cooperative Group runs. Presentation of the tour and of GOEL – Cooperative Group and its mission of change and redemption of Calabria thought legal economy and effective ethics. Dinner with the traditional dishes of Calabrian cuisine and overnight.

Day 2

GOEL Bio: Farmers versus 'ndrangheta

Discovering Hidden Calabria

Locri - Amphitheater
Gerace - Castle
Gerace - Cathedral
Reggio Calabria
Serra S. Bruno

Day by day ( 5 nights - 6 days)

Day 1


Arrival in the early afternoon in Locri and check-in at eco-Ostello Locride that is an eco-friendly residence, example of social and environmental sustainability. It is housed in a confiscated property that GOEL – Cooperative Group runs. Presentation of the tour and of GOEL – Gruppo Cooperativo and its mission of change and redemption of Calabria thought legal economy and effective ethics. Dinner with the traditional dishes of Calabrian cuisine and overnight.

Archaeological Sites

Many villages, perched on Aspromonte's slopes, date back to the Norman and Medieval Ages, with churches and monasteries, castles and stately homes as well as archaelogical sites.

The most important are: Locri Epizephiri and Kaulon excavations dating back to ancient Greece, the Roman Villa of Casignana and the Naniglio, another Roman Villa, in Gioiosa Jonica dating back to II century A.D., Gerace's Cathedral and the Cattolica di Stilo from Byzantine period. The Santa Barbara Monastery in Mammola is today the museum park of modern art called MUSABA where the international artist Nik Spatari works and lives.

Trips in the Jasmine Coast

Gerace Castle
Mosaic of the Drago
Gioiosa Jonica

Tour 1

Locri and Gerace: History and Tradition

Departure at 9.00 am. Guided tour of the archeological site and visit of the museum of Locri Epizephiri, the most famous among the Magna Grecia towns. Transfer to Gerace and guided tour through the Medieval town, which houses a remarkable artistic heritage, preserved mainly in its Cathedral. During the visit we can taste the famous granita (snow cone) made from fresh fruit in Piazza del Tocco. Return at 13:00 am.

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